The activities of the firm are not limited just to Wrocław. We conduct cases relating to social security across the entire country. We represent individuals and businesses in cases against the Social Security Office.
Among the cases conducted by attorney Agnieszka Moszczyńska against the Social Security Office, are issues related to whether an entity is subject to social security, the basis for calculating contributions, being deemed unfit for work in part or whole, as well as sickness, maternity and caregiver benefits. Most commonly, it is in the interests of the client to appeal Social Security Office decisions.
In appealing decisions made by the Social Security Office, we fight for:
- The right to the retirement pension (including pensions associated with atypical work or undertaken under atypical conditions, as well as cases of early retirement),
- The right to the disability pension, unemployment benefits or other benefits (including cases of being unfit for work, sickness benefits, maternity allowance, child support benefits),
- Determining the proper basis for calculating contributions,
- Unemployment benefit or other benefit refunds,
- Employment contract extensions for women on parental leave or those who have become pregnant again,
- Being subject to mandatory or voluntary social security contributions (determining the period of obligation).